The Top 8 Best Excel AI Tools In 2024

Excel ai tools

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed our everyday tools, including Microsoft Excel, a widely used program for data and number crunching. Excel now benefits from AI, which makes it easier to handle data. 

These AI tools simplify Excel tasks by cleaning up messy data, predicting trends, and suggesting the best methods to present information with charts and graphs. 

In this article, we’ll share some of the best Excel AI Tools in 2024. Essentially, it’s like having a smart assistant within Excel, helping you work more efficiently and effectively. This can help you to manage and analyze data with greater ease.

The List Of Top 8 Excel AI Tools In 2024

Here are the top 10 Excel AI tools in 2024 that data analysts can use. Let’s delve into the most dependable and widely used tools for enhancing your data analysis skills.

1. Arcwise AI

Arcwise AI is a Google Sheets add-on that uses advanced Artificial intelligence to help you understand, improve, and add data with smart formula suggestions. It can also automate tasks like sorting, filtering, and summarizing data. This tool can make your spreadsheet work faster and easier.

The Features Of Arcwise AI:

  • Interactive chat-based assistance for spreadsheets.
  • AI-powered help with formulas, Data cleaning and web scraping capabilities.
  • It can help you with chart and graph creation.
  • Ideal for tidying up messy data and correcting errors.
  • Delivers insights into your data and Perfect for Excel beginners.

Pricing: It has two plans; the first one is a Small Teams plan at $300/month, and the second one is a Large Teams plan at $600/month.

2. Ajelix

Ajelix is an AI tool designed to make Excel tasks easier. It helps automate repetitive tasks, create complex formulas, and write advanced VBA scripts quickly. Ajelix can help you translate text into Excel formulas much faster, saving you a lot of time and effort.

The Features Of Ajelix:

  • Ajelix can quickly convert text into Excel formulas, saving time.
  • It assists in writing VBA scripts to automate Excel tasks.
  • Ajelix helps clean data by removing duplicates, correcting errors, and ensuring proper formatting.
  • It allows for data analysis through statistical tests and report generation.

Pricing: Premium subscription at $5.95/month

3. ExcelBot

ExcelBot helps you work faster and more efficiently in Excel and Google Sheets. Its user-friendly interface saves you time and boosts productivity. A prominent feature of ExcelBot is converting text to formulas and vice versa. This tool is convenient for those who frequently switch between using formulas and regular text.

The Features Of ExcelBot:

  • Offers detailed, step-by-step guides for using Excel effectively.
  • Assists in creating formulas for tasks like calculating sums, averages, and counts.
  • Includes a forum where users can ask questions and receive help from other Excel enthusiasts.
  • Ideal for engineering students seeking VBA instructions and Excel users looking to save time.

Pricing: The Monthly Plan is $3.99/month, and the Annual plan is just $19.99.

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4. Sheet+

Sheet+ is an AI tool for Excel that quickly creates the formulas you need. It’s perfect for both beginners learning Excel or Google Sheets and experienced users needing a reminder. Sheet+ turns text into formulas, making it easier to handle complex tasks without struggling to remember them.

The Features Of Sheet+:

  • Simplifies formula debugging.
  • Converts text into precise Google Sheets and Excel formulas.
  • Boosts productivity.
  • Improves data analysis capabilities.
  • Ideal for data cleaning, formatting, and visualization.

Pricing: Pro subscription charges $5.99/month and $51.99/Annual.

5. PromptLoop

PromptLoop is an AI tool that enhances Excel spreadsheets by using GPT-3 to interpret your questions and commands. As a plug-in, it provides functions to run AI models directly on your data rows within the spreadsheet. This makes it easier to get accurate and relevant responses right where you need them.

The Features Of PromptLoop:

  • Provide explanations for your spreadsheet formulas.
  • Extract and import web data directly into your spreadsheet.
  • Correct formatting errors effortlessly.
  • Ideal for real-time analysis and data visualization.

Pricing: It has a Basic Plan at just $29/month.

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6. Neural Formula

Neural Formula is an AI tool designed to help with creating and fixing Excel formulas. It uses a neural network to understand your questions and instructions, providing the correct answers. Known as one of the best solutions, it simplifies handling any spreadsheet issues you might have.

The Features Of Neural Formula:

  • Effortlessly create, edit, clarify, and convert formulas in Excel and Google Sheets.
  • Streamline your tasks with integrated assistance from these essential tools.
  • Neural Formula offers a user-friendly interface.
  • Ideal for generating formulas and performing advanced calculations.

Pricing: It has a Standard Plan that costs you $1.99/month.

7. GPTExcel

GPTExcel is a tool that helps create formulas for Excel, Google Sheets, and Airtable, making it easier to perform complex calculations and analyses. It also generates scripts for VBA, Apps Script, and Airtable, automating repetitive tasks. This increases productivity and simplifies work within these platforms.

The Features Of GPTExcel:

  • It helps to organize data rows into specific categories.
  • Predicts future values using historical data.
  • Handles large datasets efficiently within the spreadsheet.
  • Translates formulas and supports VBA macros.

Pricing: You can get its Pro Plan by paying $6.99/month. 

8. Goodlookup

Goodlookup is one of the best tools for Excel users; it combines GPT-3’s intelligence with fuzzy matching. It works like vlookup or index match, making it easier to group topics in Google Sheets. This pre-trained model speeds up your spreadsheet tasks by accurately finding and organizing data.

The Features Of Goodlookup:

  • Links related text records together
  • Uses natural language processing (NLP) to create new ways to work with text data
  • This tool can help Improve search and lookup functions
  • Best tool for cleaning up data and visualizing data.

Pricing: It has a Yearly Subscription plan at $15/Year.

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Why Is It Important To Use AI Excel Tools? 

The need to use AI Excel tools is becoming more critical due to the increasing complexity and amount of data that individuals and businesses manage daily. 

Here are some reasons why these tools are essential:

  • AI-powered features in Excel automate repetitive tasks like data cleaning, analysis, and visualization. This saves time and allows users to focus on more critical aspects of their work.
  • AI algorithms process and analyze data with high accuracy, reducing the chances of human errors that can happen during manual data handling.
  • Modern datasets are often large and complex, making manual processing impractical. AI Excel tools can manage huge volumes of data and extract meaningful insights quickly.
  • AI tools in Excel allow users to perform complex analyses like predictive modeling and machine learning directly within the software. This enables individuals and businesses to make data-driven decisions.
  • AI-driven insights and recommendations help users create compelling visualizations, making it easier to communicate the insights derived from data.


Integrating artificial intelligence into spreadsheet tools can transform how professionals handle their tasks. This can make complex jobs more accessible and more accurate. In this article, we’ve told you about some of the best Excel AI Tools in 2024. 

As technology is becoming advanced, we can expect even more exciting developments and improvements in AI-powered Excel tools in the coming years. Hope you liked this post; share it with others to help them.


  • Ankush Thakur

    Ankush Thakur is a part of the core team of writers at He is highly passionate about staying updated with the latest technological advancements. Ankush is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Application (BCA) and working with Techjivan as a technical content writer.

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